A Bit About Maya
Maya was born in the Great Lakes region of Canada in 1977. Her parents had recently immigrated from Denmark when she was born. Both her parents are artists and so Maya grew up in a world of art and colours. Taking art courses all her life and having an unlimited supply of art materials, she was always encouraged in her passion.
Maya graduated from the Canterbury School of Arts in 1995, where she majored in photography and etching. She began working at Calligrammes art gallery in Ottawa from 1993, where she worked for three years. Working at Calligrammes prepared her for working at an art and framing store in Toronto for almost five years where she learned to archivally frame and handle fine art. Leaving Canada in the fall of 2003, she ended up in Seoul where she taught English as a Second Language for almost two years.
When Maya visited her parents, who had since moved to Bornholm, she felt home like never before. Bornholm is a wonderful little Danish island in the middle of the Baltic Sea. It is North of Poland and East of Sweden. It is famous for it's special light and has been attracting artists to it for centuries. Though Bornholm was only meant to be a stop over, it is now the place Maya has lived the longest. She lives in her atelier and lives almost solely off of her artwork. Maya paints, draws and photographs daily. She has a constant restlessness and has travelled in over 30 different countries, always with her old Minolta in her purse. She loves most to take photographs of people, especially the elderly and the very young. She also works in digital these days, but will never let her old Minolta go, film being her first love.
Maya also draws inspiration from the art of children and their spontaneous and unpretentious way of painting. She loves the expressionists and believes that the soul of art is often lost somewhat in the planning of a painting, and prefers to let her emotions and experiences escape on to her canvas or paper freely. When she feels an artist block, she looks through her many art books, or goes through her own childhood drawings. She also says that she is very lucky to have this endless creative bond with her parents, who, in her eyes are two of the most talented artists of their time.
Projects and Acheivements
– 'Woman in a Doorway' was used for the cover a book by written by Elif Shafak, published by the Wydawnictwo Literackie Publishing House in Krakow.
– Sold a drawings to the Bornholm Hospital art foundation in Rønne.
– Svaneke photographs used in The Friends of Svaneke's guide to 'Protecting our Heritage Houses'. Maya's photographs are also used on their website.
– Asked to design a poster for 'Cirkus Stjerneskud' (the children circus) in Allinge in accordance with their 25th year anniversary. The poster is 100x70cm and can be seen all over the island throughout June each year.
– Opened the gallery and framing store 'Art Box Bornholm' with Jens Borup in Svaneke.
– Sold 2 drawings to the Bornholm Hospital art foundation in Rønne.
– Asked to draw and design 5 beer labels in a special limited series for the 'Svaneke Bryghus' (Svaneke Brewery). The beer labels were on the Danish, Swedish and Finish market, released one at a time throughout 2011 and 2012. The names of the beers were: 'Den Uddødelig Hest', 'Vårhare', 'In Your Pale Face', 'Jule Spektakel' and 'Hamsi' and they were released in that order.
– The 'Vårhare' beer label won as the second best beer label in Denmark by 'The Beer Enthusiasts of Denmark'. The 'Hamsi' beer label won as the third best beer the following year.
– Maya's Photographs of Bornholm are used annually in most of many the tourist brochures for the island.
– The painting 'Gnome' was used as the yearly poster for Hvide Sande's Summer's Concerts and Arts Calendar.
– Invited to make the yearly Christmas card for the town of Svaneke. There are 800 cards printed and Maya was the 38th artist to be asked. Her card was the very first ever to be completely sold out.
– Asked to design the poster for the annual international music festival 'Multi Kulti' on North Bornholm.
– Asked to design the poster for the annual international music festival 'Multi Kulti' on North Bornholm.
– Sold a drawings to the Bornholm Hospital art foundation in Rønne.
– Sold a drawing to TV2 Bornholms permanent art collection in Aarkirkeby.
– Sold 2 drawings to TV2 Bornholm' art foundation in Aarkirkeby.
– 'UNDERWORLD' – Invited for a group exhibition at the 'Marzia Frozen' Galleri in Berlin.
– 'Svaneke Gårdens Censureret Forårsudstilling' (Spring Exhibition) – Took part in the yearly juried show in Svaneke, Bornholm.
– Exhibition of Photos , drawings and paintings - Invited for a solo exhibition at the Rønne Hospital on Bornholm.
– 'Svaneke Gårdens Censureret Forårsudstilling' (Spring Exhibition) – Took part in the yearly juried show in Svaneke, Dk.
– 'Sommer Udstilling' (Summer Exhibition) – Group Exhibition with local artists in Galleri Kaya in Svaneke, Dk.
– 'Juleudstilling' (X-mas Show) – Group-Exhibition with local artists in Galleri Nexø , Dk.
– 'Tanker og virkedrift, før, nu og altid' – Invited to take part in the two week sculpture park in Nexø in coordination with the yearly cultural-festival called 'Kultur Uge' on Bornholm, Dk.
– Galleri Glarmester – Invited to exhibit photographs in Bornholms Glarmester, Rønne Dk.
– 'GALORE' - Took part in the yearly art festival in Valby Dk. Showed drawings, paintings.
– 'Double Photo Show' – photography Exhibition in Galleri Kaya, Svaneke Dk.
– Photo Contest i Grønbechs Gaard – Took part in the
– photo contest in Hasle's cultural centre Grønbechs Gaard. Exhibited photographs from Bornholm, Dk.
– 'Bornholm' (Photos from Bornholm) - Invited for a Solo-show in the Old mill in Gudhjem.
– Gruppe Udstilling i Galleri Korsbjerg – Group exhibition of drawings in Galleri Korsbjerg in Middelfart, Fyn Dk.
– Photo Exhibition / Multicultural Theme – Invited for a solo exhibition in the Firm Incita in Copenhagen Dk. Exhibited photographs taken in 30 different countries.
– 'Fra Klipper til Sand' (From Cliffs to Sand) - Juried exhibition with 4 other artists from Bornholm within the Oceanside lock (manøvregangen) 'Hvide Sande Slusen', Jylland.
– 'SKRATCHY INKS III' - Solo Exhibition of drawings and paintings in Galleri Kaya, Svaneke, Dk.
– Galleri Glarmester - Invited to exhibit drawings in Bornholms Glarmester, Rønne Dk.
– 'Sommer Udstilling' (Summer Exhibition) – Group Exhibition with international artists in Galleri Kaya, Svaneke, Dk. Showed paintings and ink drawings.
– 'SKRATCHY INKS II' – Solo Exhibition of paintings, ink drawings in Galleri Kaya, Svaneke Dk.
– 'SKRATCHY INKS' - Solo Exhibition of paintings, ink drawings in Galleri Kaya, Svaneke, Dk.
– 'Sommer Udstilling' (Summer Exhibition) - Group-Exhibition in Galleri Kaya, Svaneke, Dk.
– 'Echoes of the Mind' - Group Exhibition in Galérie Calligrammes, Ottawa, Canada.
– 'Sommer Udstilling' (Summer Exhibition) - Group-Exhibition in Galleri Kaya, Svaneke, Dk.
– Solo - Exhibition of paintings and drawings in Nordea Bank, Svaneke, Dk.
– 'Kaffeslottets Efterårs Udstilling' (Autum Exhibition) – Juried art show in Gudhjem, Dk.
– 'Eastern Travel Shots' - Solo photo exhibition in Café Chez Vous, Seoul, South Korea.
– 'Memories and Visions' – Solo Exhibition of paintings, ink drawings and painted rice lamps in Gallery Off the Wall, Toronto, Canada.
– 'Dream Drawings' - Group Exhibition of ink drawings in Gallery Calligrammes, Ottawa, Canada.
– 'Solskinn' - Two Woman Show in The Scandinavian Canadian Club, Toronto, Canada.
– 'Dundas West Arts Building Open House' – Group Exhibition in individual art studios, Toronto, Canada. Showed paintings, ink drawings, painted rice lamps and photographs.
– 'Nathan Philips Square Arts show' – Showed drawings and painted rice lamps, Toronto, Canada.
– 'Travelling Windows' – Local Bloor West Village artists in Toronto were asked to show artwork in a travelling two month show through the windows of a series of shops in neighbourhood.
– 'Dundas West Arts Building Open House' – Group Exhibition in individual art studios, Toronto, Canada. Showed paintings, ink drawings, painted rice lamps and photographs.
– 'Shadows' - Solo Exhibition of photographs in Gallery 503, Toronto Canada.
– 'Graduating Class Exhibition' in Ottawa City Hall - Exhibition for the graduating class of Canterbury Art School.